Fenugreek and Garlic Review By: Nikki Robertson
Fantastic product. My two Rottweilers suffer from skin allergies, these tablets have changed their lives, sore itchy skin all but gone now !!!
Date: 21/07/2014 22:36:04
Rating: 5 / 5
saved my collie from surgery Review By: Ann Roden
My Border Collie damaged his shoulder as a pup jumping out of a motorhome. Rest cured it to start with but being active dog he damaged it again and again. Eventually he was really lame and rest didn't help so he went to the vets. Steroids were given and made him ill. In desperation I tried Garlic & Fenugreek Tablets and he has been sound since but if I miss the tablets for more than an odd day he feels his shoulder. THEY ARE MAGIC.
Date: 15/02/2014 06:55:18
Rating: 5 / 5
Summer skin. Review By: Anon
Have used the Garlic & Fenugreek Tablets and Mixed Vegetable Tablets combo all summer and my Vizsla's skin has remained cool and virtually rash free. Excellent products thank you.
Date: 09/12/2013 13:45:28
Rating: 5 / 5
Westie benefits Review By: Laurie Isherwood
My Westie used to suffer with stomach and bowel problems which the vets did nothing for, after being recommended this product by a fellow dog walker, I give my dog one tablet a day and he no longer has any problems, he's been taking them for about 4 years and I can't recommend them highly enough - Thank-you so much Dorwest
Date: 24/09/2013 15:59:03
Rating: 5 / 5
Tear staining/discolouration on face & feet Review By: Mrs L Allison & Alfie
I used the Mixed Vegetable Tables for around 6-9 months but I saw little evidence that they were improving the staining. I then found out staining might be bacteria in the dogs saliva. Garlic has anti-bacterial properties and so I choose to add the Garlic and Fenugreek Tablets to the dosage of Mixed Vegetable Tablets and Eureka 6 months later Alfie's face is almost back to it normal whiteness. One more trip to the groomers and all the old dark hair will have gone & by continuing this tablets it should stay away for good. I am so pleased to have found a solution to the staining. Thank you Dorwest Herbs for great products.
Date: 24/09/2013 13:50:23
Rating: 5 / 5
Westie Skin Review By: Mrs De Boltz
My Westie has Garlic & Fenugreek Tablets and Mixed Vegetable Tablets throughout the summer, they are brilliant.
Date: 24/09/2013 13:44:08
Rating: 5 / 5
Itchy skin Review By: Mrs A Marshall
A review of your Garlic & Fenugreek tablets and Mixed Vegetable tablets, my dog has a tree pollen allergy and will eat his back raw. But since putting him on these tablets, after your advice he has hardly touched his back. I start to give him the tablets in February and he is fine. Normally he would itch from March until May. A brilliant product I would be lost without it.
Date: 24/09/2013 13:23:59
Rating: 5 / 5
Dust mite allergy Review By: D Gleeson
I just wanted to let you know that I have been giving my dog who has a dust mite allergy your Garlic & Fenugreek Tablets together with Mixed Vegetable Tablets for about 2 weeks now. I am so impressed with the results, we have tried so many things in the past with no joy but with your tablets she has greatly improved and I will certainly continue to use these in the future. Many thanks for your advice.
Date: 24/09/2013 13:22:50
Rating: 5 / 5
Skin Allergy Review By: A Zamkowska
Your herbs are FANTASTIC! One of my cats had a skin allergy and I have been using Garlic & Fenugreek Tablets, Mixed Vegetable Tablets and Evening Primrose Oil, I have also changed the diet to raw and within 3 weeks she does not have any skin problems. Thank you Dorwest.
Date: 24/09/2013 13:15:55
Rating: 5 / 5
Skin problems Review By: K Emery
I am just writing to thank you so much for all your help! Dylan my little Fox Terrier has been suffering with itchy sore skin since we have had him. We’ve tried everything and the vet has had him on a long term course of steroids and anti-histamines which is not good for his health. Following a recommendation from my local pet shop I purchased your Garlic & Fenugreek Tablets. He has now been off his steroids for 3 months now and the anti-histamines for about 4 weeks. Although he still gets a little itchy
Date: 24/09/2013 13:11:59
Rating: 5 / 5
Interdigital Cysts & Infection on face Review By: E Walton
I am an old client of Dorwest and I have had a major problem with my bulldog Charlie. He has had a really bad infection in his face under the jaw, along with inter-digital cysts. This has been a secondary problem to an invasion of decodosis mite which lives in the hair follicles. After a long and expensive treatment by my vet the skin problems were not improving so I put him on your Garlic & Fenugreek Tablets and Mixed Vegetable Tablets. He has been on a treatment dose for a month and the results are amazing, we are truly delighted, Thank you Dorwest!
Date: 24/09/2013 12:11:42
Rating: 5 / 5
cysts cured and arthritis managed :) Review By: Laura Foster
When I got Earl, my English Springer, he suffered constant interdigital cysts. I was advised to try the Garlic & Fenugreek Tablets as the constant antibiotics were simply not working. Within a month on g&f he was clear of cysts. Now, as he is getting older, they definitely help his arthritis - if I run out of pills he stiffens & gets lame. So I keep them in stock always! I use with the Mixed Vegetable Tablets.
Date: 22/04/2013 14:42:56
Rating: 5 / 5
sore skin under control Review By: Alison Stewart
My bt suffers with sore paws and allergies to wheat and grass, he has had many a course of antibiotics and steroids, which clear up the problem but as soon as he stops it returns with gusto a few weeks later. I use Garlic & Fenugreek Tablets coupled with Mixed Vegetable Tablets as recommended by the guys at Dorwest. It has made a great difference, the time between vet trips has been reduced dramatically and he tends not to chew his feet anymore.
Date: 26/03/2013 07:35:36
Rating: 4 / 5
Tasha The Cat Review By: myrna venters
Our Cat continually licked herself to the extent that she caused sores and hair lose . After starting a course of the Garlic & Fenugreek along with Comfrey & Calendula Balm , we have an amazing results Tasha is an old cat ,what a delight to see her skin and her hair growing back in ,also she is not licking as much .
Date: 30/01/2013 14:28:41
Rating: 5 / 5
Definite improvement Review By: Holly
My golden retriever has some sort of skin allergy on the bald part of her undercarriage causing it to have a 'dirty' look. It irritated and made her itch to the point where she was nibbling & licking it so much it became red and sore and even bled. I started giving her the Garlic & Fenugreek Tablets, 3 in a morning and 3 in an evening, along with a cod liver oil supplement - 3 months in her skin has markably cleared and she no longer itches it, very pleased. Expensive for prolonged use however.
Date: 20/01/2013 22:32:54
Rating: 4 / 5