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    (Light Blue) Slow Feeder Do...

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    Description & Details


    • 【Maze Interactive Design】---Maze dog bowls Help slow down dogs eating speed, effectively prolong dog's eating time and prevent the dog from bloating and improving digestion, developing good eating habits, reducing the risk of choking & overeating
    • 【Great Size for Small/Medium Dogs】---Slow feeder bowl is 20.5cm in diameter,suitable for small to medium breed dogs. Can work with dry food, wet food and raw food.
    • 【Bottom Suction Cup Design】---The bottom suction cup design makes the slow food bowl firmly attached to the ground. Can be attached to smooth surfaces such as tile, metal, marble etc
    • 【High Quality Material】---The dog bowl is made of 100% food-grade silicone, free of BPA, durable, flexible and waterproof.Can be washed directly by running water or soapy water,dishwasher safe
    • 【Product Guarantee】---We do offer a 30-DAY money-back guarantee on all orders. Feel free to contact us if you have any issues with the product.Our biggest concern is customer's shopping experiences.Your trust is the source of energy for the growth of Coomazy

    (Light Blue) Slow Feeder Dog Bowl Silicone Dog Choke Proof Description


    • 【MazeInteractiveDesign】---MazedogbowlsHelpslowdowndogseatingspeed,effectivelyprolongdog'seatingtimeandpreventthedogfrombloatingandimprovingdigestion,developinggoodeatinghabits,reducingtheriskofchoking&overeating
    • 【GreatSizeforSmall/MediumDogs】---Slowfeederbowlis20.5cmindiameter,suitableforsmalltomediumbreeddogs.Canworkwithdryfood,wetfoodandrawfood.
    • 【BottomSuctionCupDesign】---Thebottomsuctioncupdesignmakestheslowfoodbowlfirmlyattachedtotheground.Canbeattachedtosmoothsurfacessuchastile,metal,marbleetc
    • 【HighQualityMaterial】---Thedogbowlismadeof100%food-gradesilicone,freeofBPA,durable,flexibleandwaterproof.Canbewasheddirectlybyrunningwaterorsoapywater,dishwashersafe
    • 【ProductGuarantee】---Wedooffera30-DAYmoney-backguaranteeonallorders.Feelfreetocontactusifyouhaveanyissueswiththeproduct.Ourbiggestconcerniscustomer'sshoppingexperiences.YourtrustisthesourceofenergyforthegrowthofCoomazy

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